Monday, January 4, 2016


I learned at the APSA about an annual grant established years ago by what was then the PRG, our section predecessor. The grant amounts to about $4,000 available annually to study some aspect of the presidency. I was told that there were no applications in 2014-15, and only one application in 2013-14.

Our members should probably spend this money. If you are interested, then here is the contact information.

Betsy Super, PhD
Senior Research Director
Research and Development
American Political Science Association
1527 New Hampshire Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20036-1206

Phone: 202-483-0996

Betsy said to contact her via email if you have an interest. The grant will be reviewed by appointed section members, so there is a virtual certainty that someone will receive the money.

Thanks and best regards,
B. Dan Wood

Texas A&M University

The Former Presidents Quarterly
A Newsletter by Robert H. Lewandoski

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Free sample copies of The Former Presidents Quarterly are available by writing to: The Former Presidents Quarterly, Post Office Box 6443, Fullerton, California 92834.  A one year subscription to the newsletter, with four issues every year, costs just $12.00.

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